How to Treat Depression Naturally

How to Treat Depression Naturally

Depression is something that I don't have personal experience with, but I know people who do. If you suffer from it, there are three basic things you can do. You can take medication that your doctor prescribes, you can treat it naturally, or you can do a combination of both. The treatment options you choose will depend on your situation and what you think is best.

As an herbalist, I've done plenty of research on natural treatment options. And, I've watched them work on people first hand. What follows are some ideas that will help you manage your depression naturally.

Things You'll Need:

your favorite exercise - try walking, dancing, hiking, or anything else you enjoy

natural sunlight or a special lamp designed to treat Seasonal Depression

healthy eating habits

multi vitamin

herbs typically used for depression such as St. John's Wort, Lemon Balm, Oatstraw, Borage, Ginseng


Exercise has been known to help depression. And the good news is, it doesn't matter what kind you do. Choose an activity that you enjoy and that you will stick with. Shoot for 30 minutes a day or more, depending on your level of fitness. It works because it helps ease the symptoms and helps encourage overall good health.


Natural sunlight seems to work best for people who have seasonal depression. But, the extra sunlight can help all forms of depression. Make it a point to get at least 15 minutes of natural sunlight (or more) a day. Be sure to wear sunscreen! Or, you can buy a special lamp that is designed to replace natural sunlight.


In general, it is a good idea to eat a balanced, healthy diet. But there are also some foods that can help nourish the central nervous system and help with depression. Oatmeal is one of the best foods out there for this purpose. Make it a point to have one serving a day. Also make sure to take a multi vitamin to make sure you get everything you need.


The most used herb for depression is St. John's Wort. According to the German Commission E, an organization based out of Germany that reviews the effectiveness of herbs, says that it is useful for mild to moderate depression. Be careful not to take St. John's Worth if you are on prescription anti-depression medication. It has to be one or the other.

There are some herbs that help nourish and heal the nervous system. These herbs include oatstraw, chamomile, lemon balm, and borage. These herbs can be taken on a daily basis and likely don't conflict with the prescription medication.

Ginseng is a type of herb called an adaptogen. Adaptogen herbs have a balancing affect on the body. Depression can signify a lack of balance. So herbs like ginseng can help with depression and other nervous system complaints indirectly.

Tips & Warnings

Depression is so complex, it is not a good idea to try to treat yourself.

Your best bet is to find a psychiatrist and psychologist who are supportive of your efforts to try natural remedies for it.

Make sure the herbs you choose do not conflict with your medication. Consult your doctor or pharmacist to make sure.