How to Treat Diabetes With Acupressure

How to Treat Diabetes With Acupressure

Every diabetes sufferer knows that there is no cure for diabetes. However, people who have undergone acupressure treatments for their diabetes may disagree. Acupressure uses different pressure points in the body to improve a person's health, and many patients have found that acupressure has either cured or decreased the severity of their diabetes.


Speak to your doctor before using acupressure to treat your diabetes. Any type of complementary medicine should always be discussed first with a physician.


Find a practitioner of acupressure. Set up a consultation with a holistic medical professional that uses acupressure. Discuss your expectations with the practitioner and see if they can help your diabetes.


Get a book on acupressure. Learn about the techniques of acupressure and find out how to apply pressure to the points that are specified by the practice. A good book that you can use to teach you the basics is the "Complete Guide to Acupressure."


Apply pressure to the 10 points on your body. You use these 10 pressure points in your treatment for diabetes. These points are found near your ears, neck, elbows, shoulders and knees.


Press down on each point for a minute or more a day. You can perform the treatment any time of day and often as you would like.

Tips & Warnings

You are not going to experience any side effects when using the acupressure method to treat your diabetes.

You can perform some research online and find a diagram that highlights the pressure points that you are going to use to treat diabetes. A good place to start is the Acupressure Institute website.