How to Wear a Pareo

How to Wear a Pareo

The pareo has its origins in the islands of Tahiti. A traditional pareo, a brightly colored cotton rectangle decorated with hibiscus flowers or tapa patterns, is a wrap-around skirt worn by women. Today, the garment enjoys more widespread popularity, although women usually wear it to cover their entire torso below the shoulders. If you love the colors and the fabrics, but don’t know exactly how to wear a pareo, read on.

Things You'll Need:

A rectangular length of fabric (pareo)


Start with the fabric of your pareo centered in back. Wrap the pareo around your back and bring the fabric under each arm. Pull it snugly around your body, crossing the corners in the middle of your chest. Continue to bring the corners around your neck and tie behind your head. This tie will create a modest overlap of fabric in the front.


For a nice strapless look, begin by centering your pareo on your back. Wrap the pareo snugly across your back and bring the ends to your front under your arms. Knot the corners in the middle of your chest. You won’t get any overlap with this tie, but the extra fabric will make soft folds in front, providing some additional coverage.


Start with the center of your pareo under your right arm. Wrap the fabric around your body, front and back, crossing the corners under your left arm. Bring the corners up in front of and behind your shoulder and knot the fabric on top of your left shoulder. This tie will give you one “strap” and the overlap under your arm will keep you covered.


This tie is nice if you have an especially generous length of fabric. Center the fabric in the middle of your back. Wrap the pareo around your back and under your arms, meeting the corners in the center of your chest. Cross the ends together a couple of times so you have a “rope” of fabric in the center of your chest. Separate the ends and bring them around your neck to tie in the back.

Tips & Warnings

Have fun wearing a pareo--you can tie it so you're as modest or outrageous as you please.